New book coming in January - SENSING GOD


I am enormously excited to announce 'Sensing God: Experiencing the Divine in Nature, Food, Music & Beauty,' a book that has been on my heart for a long time and is releasing this coming January. Here’s the caption from my publisher:

So much of our faith is lived out in our heads. We study the Bible, sit through sermons, pray with our eyes closed. All of these are good things. There is a world around us, however, that is crammed with heaven if we have eyes to see it and ears to hear it and hands to touch it. The goodness of God is waiting for us to taste and see. The aroma of Christ surrounds us. In Sensing God, musician and theologian Joel Clarkson points us to a life of faith that is enchanted by the glory of divine craftsmanship, inviting us to practice a faith that is true, good, pure, and altogether lovely.

If you are someone who finds goodness, truth, and beauty in the tangible world around you, and want to know how that relates to your practice of faith, 'Sensing God' is for you. I can't wait to share it with you all soon!

Preorder your copy now on Amazon:

On Barnes & Noble:

If you want to grab it at your local independent bookstore, make sure to ask them to stock it for you and your friends!

Joel Clarkson